What a Muss

August 4, 2017

I’m moving nice and slow, to where, I do not know. Great, we all know what that means, living life in the not so fast lane; sounds ambitious to me. Well here we go, another day, not a dollar in sight, and as a casualty of sloth the body weighs in no less than before. However the usual winds of change have been drafting up a new plan as the moon hits the sky for another night to pass us to another day. Sounds confusing right? I know, that’s what the current state of affairs musses up in my mind mulling over each minute. When you’re used to following a lead to the life you build upon, and the circumstances leave you to chance, fate becomes of your own free will. Imagine driving down a road with no alternative routes in sight and you’re waiting to make your decision of will it be a left or right, here I stand today, with no car on that road with no turns. Have my previous decisions brought me to this halt, sure, but do I settle with it and stroll on, no. No, I do not. In true esteemed fashion bringing myself to my knees, it comes out with a shrieking scream, it’s only beginning and I will be me.
To be taken in strides, life will come and I will go. The secret of holding yourself accountable for what happens to you is a spark of genius and catalyst in which we shouldn’t deny the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of then and now. What counts is that I do not see a light at the end of my tunnel so my journey is yet to be close to done and as the scroll of each day rolls on I choose what to write down. When the turn comes to go left or right I hope undoubtedly that wisdom will be there along the way and guide the drifting trail.  -SM

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